sábado, 2 de junho de 2012

Hey, alma gêmea!

Essa noite, me deparei com uma música que fala tanto. Estava eu voltando para casa depois de mais um sábado e como eu moro em uma cidade muito hipster, os ônibus são sintonizados em F.M's. A música que estava tocando me chamou a atenção pelo refrão: "Hey! Soul sister". Chegando em casa vi que é a música perfeita para meu atual sentimento. Observaremos partes da letra:

I knew I wouldn't forget you
And so I went and let you blow my mind
Your sweet moonbeam
The smell of you in every single dream I dream
I knew when we collided
You're the one I have decided who's one of my kind
Hey, soul sister
Ain't that Mr. Mister on the radio stereo
The way you move ain't fair, you know
Hey, soul sister
I don't wanna miss a single thing you do
Just in time, I'm so glad
You have a one track mind like me
You gave my life direction
A game show love connection
We can't deny
I'm so obsessed
My heart is bound to beat
Right out my untrimmed chest
I believe in you
Like a virgin, you're Madonna
And I'm always gonna wanna blow your mind
The way you can cut a rug
Watching you're the only drug I need
You're so gangsta, I'm so thug
You're the only one I'm dreaming of you, see
I can be myself now finally
In fact there's nothing I can't be
I want the world to see you be
With me


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